Applied Design Patterns with Java

Creational :: Prototype (117) {C ch 8}



Prototype has many of the same consequences that Abstract Factory (87) and Builder (97) have: It hides the concrete product classes from the client, thereby reducing the number of names clients know about. Also, these patterns let a client work with application-specific classes without modification.

Additional benefits of the
Prototype pattern are listed below:

  1. Adding and removing products at run-time. Prototypes let you incorporate a new concrete product class into a system simply by registering a prototypical instance with the client. That's more flexible than other Creational Patterns, because a client can install and remove prototypes at run-time.
  2. Specifying new objects by varying values. Highly dynamic systems let you define new behavior through object composition—by specifying values for an object's variables, for example—and not by defining new classes. You define new kinds of objects by instantiating existing classes and registering the instances as prototypes of client objects. A client can exhibit new behavior by delegating responsibility to the Prototype. This kind of design lets users define new "classes" without programming. In fact, cloning a prototype is similar to instantiating a class. The Prototype pattern can greatly reduce the number of classes a system needs.
  3. Specifying new objects by varying structure. Many applications build objects from parts and subparts. Editors for circuit design, for example, build circuits out of subcircuits. Such applications often let you instantiate complex, user-defined structures, to use a specific subcircuit again and again. The Prototype pattern supports this as well. Simply add this subcircuit as a prototype to the palette of available circuit elements. As long as the composite circuit object implements Clone as a deep copy, circuits with different structures can be prototypes.
  4. Reduced subclassing. Factory Method (107) often produces a hierarchy of Creator classes that parallels the product class hierarchy. The Prototype pattern lets you clone a prototype instead of asking a Factory Method to make a new object. Hence you don't need a Creator class hierarchy at all. This benefit applies primarily to languages like C++ that don't treat classes as first-class objects. Languages that do, like Smalltalk, derive less benefit, since you can always use a class Object as a creator. Java has both characteristics.
  5. Configuring an application with classes dynamically. Some run-time environments let you load classes into an application dynamically. The Prototype pattern is the key to exploiting such facilities in languages like C++ and Java. An application that wants to create instances of a dynamically loaded class won't be able to reference its constructor statically. Instead, the run-time environment creates an instance of each class automatically when it's loaded, and it registers the instance with a prototype manager. Then the application can ask the prototype manager for instances of newly loaded classes, classes that weren't linked with the program originally.

The main liability of the
Prototype pattern is that each subclass of Prototype must implement the Clone operation, which may be difficult. For example, adding Clone is difficult when the classes under consideration already exist. Implementing Clone can be difficult when their internals include objects that don't support copying or have circular references.

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